How Do I Crack My Egg?

8 mins read

An Easy 2 Steps Method

The main purpose of the Crack Your Egg program can be summarized into two simple steps:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of your subconscious tendencies to understand the unique foundation of your being.
  2. Develop a methodical strategy to dismantle this foundation.

By freeing yourself from these subconscious barriers, you unlock your full creative potential to shape your desired life.

Key Takeaways from this Basic 2-Step Method:

1. Your initial priority is to be mindful of your eggshell.

The main issue as discussed previously is that many individuals are not conscious of their eggshell. Without this awareness, they will struggle to release their limiting beliefs and will end up feeling powerless and at the mercy of external factors.

2. Learn a systematic approach for clearing your subconscious programming.

After recognizing the issue, the next crucial step is to understand the root cause of your challenges and how to overcome them. Each individual has their own unique challenges and circumstances, so it is essential to identify the right approach that suits your specific situation.

Numerous personal growth programs tend to concentrate solely on either the initial aspect or the subsequent aspect.

For example, positive affirmations seek to change negative beliefs without identifying their origins, while approaches like “The Secret” concentrate on core principles but lack practical guidance on how to implement them in everyday life.

I appreciate the combination of elements in the Crack Your Egg program. It’s because Henk Schram‘s personal experience as a student of various self-improvement methods, which did not yield the desired outcomes, motivated him to develop this program.

You can fully experience the advantages of Henk’s program by enrolling in the complete course. This comprehensive course delves deeply into the content covered in his introductory study guides.

I have outlined below the key points I gained from the study materials on how to crack your egg. This overview aims to offer you an additional perspective on the course, drawing from my personal insights.

Step 1: Identify your subconscious recurring patterns

P.D. Ouspensky‘s Notable Quote:

Heaven on earth is breaking free from your long-standing patterns.

P.D. Ouspensky

Here Ouspensky is referring to the patterns as your ingrained beliefs and subconscious conditioning. This forms the foundation of personal development programs, which all seek to only alter your programming.

But, It can be challenging to accomplish this because your programming includes a built-in filtering mechanism that can make you unaware of the issue or even cause you to avoid addressing it completely.

Henk emphasizes that recognizing and overcoming these patterns can require a significant amount of effort and perseverance.

To overcome these hidden patterns, you attempt to recognize and understand them. However, the fact that they are subconscious makes it difficult for you to identify them.

So, how can you bring them into awareness? The key is to develop the ability to detach and observe yourself from a distance.

This is the purpose of the “Participant and Observer” exercise. The point is to pinpoint the actual reason for your issue and understand how it poses a threat to you.

Many self-improvement techniques suggest avoiding of negative thoughts and instead concentrating on the positive. In contrast, Henk’s approach encourages embracing negative emotions as a vital step towards resolving them.

I did not initially agree, but I now understand how that work.

Negative thoughts have a tendency to draw in additional negativity. But if you confront them with the goal of finding a solution, their influence will diminish. The cycle of negativity persists only when you are ignorant of it and allow it to control you.

If you avoid facing the unpleasant feelings that surface, you are merely delaying them for a future time. These uneasy emotions will continue to resurface until you address them. This is the essence of your eggshell.

I experienced a moment of curiosity while discovering this information.

Your egg causes you to encounter circumstances where you need to handle your subconscious patterns. Ignoring it will result in its recurrence, but facing it head-on can help you eliminate the pattern from your behavior.

Hence, it appears that your egg possesses a built-in self-destructive function. Essentially, while your egg may intend to keep you confined, there is a separate part within your egg that directs and motivates you to address your restrictive beliefs until you get rid of them.

In essence, your inner awareness motivates you to overcome obstacles in order to fully embrace life.

Isn’t that wonderful? All you have to do is be willing to release these patterns.

Step 2: Acquiring the necessary skills to break your established patterns

Henk references renowned musician in the end of the study guides introduction:

“You don’t make music … music finds you.
Your job is to practice to get yourself ready.”

Being a musician, I can relate to this statement. I frequently experience a surge of musical ideas, but most of the time I lack the necessary proficiency to execute them effectively. In simpler terms, I lack the necessary skills!

Henk explains that the same process applies to your inner being. You may be inspired to build a satisfying life, but lack the necessary mental capabilities. Even if you do acquire them, you may struggle to utilize them effectively due to being confined within your current limitations.

Most individuals do not achieve enduring, permanent outcomes when utilizing common personal growth techniques. The shortcomings of these methods are two-fold:

  1. They primarily address the surface-level beliefs that hold you back, but they seldom delve into the underlying core belief that impedes your development.
  2. These methods do not consider the specific characteristics of your eggshell. Many of them offer a standardized solution without taking individual differences into consideration.

Therefore, I am very interested in Henk’s approach as it provides a flexible option.

Every musician finds their own source of inspiration and expresses it through their chosen instrument. Their individual style transforms this inspiration into a distinctive sound that is unlike anything else.

In the same way, you face distinct challenges that require specific tools for solutions. Using generic tools may help you address your deep-seated beliefs, but the outcome is more unpredictable and relies on chance rather than proficiency.

If you encounter these circumstances once again, you will revert back to the previous methods of hardship and uncertainty. The goal of the Crack Your Egg program is to solve this issue.

Henk emphasizes that he does not intend to belittle other methods, like the well-known “Law of Attraction” and self hypnosis. Instead, his goal is to offer an effective ways of utilizing these tools to benefit you.

This program serves as a bigger picture of your comprehensive plan for personal growth. It outlines the fundamental structure of your identity, helping you identify areas for improvement and determine how to address them.

So, you can continue to utilize the techniques you are already familiarized with.

I am a big fan of the teachings on the Law of Attraction that I have gained from Bob Proctor, as well as the regular use of the Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner. have had an impact on me.

Nevertheless, they might not impact you. This is where the Crack Your Egg program can be beneficial. It provides you with the knowledge to effectively utilize strategies in the appropriate areas of your eggshell structure.

{And once you are aware of the vulnerabilities in any system, dismantling it becomes a straightforward task, requiring very little effort.

Hence, in order to determine the most suitable method for you, read my review of Crack Your Egg.

What appeals to me about his method is his calm and comprehensive approach without resorting to exaggerated claims.