What The Egg Does?

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6 Surprising Things Your Egg Does

The confines of your true potential are bound by a complex network of energy patterns that hinder your progress, as discussed in the Crack Your Egg introduction. Moreover, this restrictive energy matrix can seep into your personal connections, erode your physical health, and stifle your emotional fulfillment.

However, it’s essential to understand the impact the egg has on you prior to unleashing your full potential.

The primary characteristic of your eggshell is its ability to hide its presence from your awareness. Without acknowledging its existence, you wont initiate any cracking. Hence, presented below are six key points detailing the impact of your egg on you that you should be aware of.

1. Your root limiting beliefs:

The source of your eggshell is the events that occur in your life.

Negative or traumatic experiences, regardless of their size, can lead to untreated trauma that may gradually develop into a deeply ingrained limiting belief.

You might not even realize it’s happening, but when you downplay or ignore your negative emotions, they can secretly build up inside. Over time, these unresolved issues can pile up, creating a hidden foundation that ultimately forms the fragile base of your emotional well-being, as described by Henk Schram.

Henk Schram discusses the risk posed by your eggshell in the second video.

To illustrate his point, he cites the case of a very young child. From a tender age, this child consistently receives the implicit message that their parents approval and recognition are tied to their accomplishments, rather than their inherent value as a person.

His parents love him in a contrived manner rather than unconditionally.

This communication has the potential to create lasting emotional distress in the child. It can lead the child to prioritize his actions over his true nature. Over time, you will observe how this mindset influences the child’s personality as he mature.

It’s important to understand that your negative experiences don’t have to be extreme. While major traumas like a car accident or those faced by a veteran can significantly impact your mental state, any form of trauma, no matter how small, can still affect you in a similar way.

2. Your prime worriments:

Throughout your journey, you accumulate a range of emotional wounds, from significant to subtle. Over time, these experiences collectively shape your underlying mindset and ultimately give rise to the protective barriers you build around yourself.

Your underlying beliefs influence your main concerns. These are the issues that concern you the most.

Returning to the scenario involving the young child, Now, he becomes preoccupied with avoiding errors and striving to please his parents due to the increased rewards he receives for his actions.

This resonates deeply with a lot of individuals, I think. How many people in your life struggle to gain their parents approval, no matter how hard they try, only to come up short every time?

With internal barriers in place, you’re more likely to experience emotional pain. Your mind instinctively allocates its mental resources to sidestep discomforts, which often stems from scenarios that activate your deepest anxieties.

Ironically, the more you run away from unpleasant experiences, the more they tend to manifest in your life. This paradox is inherent to your personal reality, and the reasons behind it will be revealed in the following explanations.

3. Your inner managing strategy:

As I observe and absorb Henk’s teachings on how my perspective is influenced by my shell, I gradually start to comprehend his message.

I am beginning to recognize my core limiting beliefs and the main concerns they bring about. To avoid worrying, I unconsciously steer clear of circumstances that trigger discomfort.

But, I’ve come to understand that I constantly concerned about them. Henk refers to this as my internal management policy.

The 3 components of your internal managing strategy:

  1. Your behavior
  2. Your attitude
  3. Your habits

These are the characteristics you exhibit in specific circumstances. For me, I have predetermined responses prepared for various situations. Do you find yourself doing the same?

Making decisions in advance can lead to defensiveness, as it acts as a barrier that hinders your ability to fully engage in the present moment.

If you encounter an unfavorable situation, you may isolate yourself as a response. This can lead to expending valuable mental resources on avoiding unwanted outcomes.

Initially, this approach may seem appealing, but consider the opportunity cost: the effort you’re expending on avoiding undesirable outcomes could be redirected towards manifesting your desired realities. If your internal guidance system is perpetually focused on mitigating potential pitfalls, when does it have the capacity to actively seek out and cultivate the outcomes you truly desire?

Your self-protective tendencies occupy your inner decision-making, making it challenging to navigate circumstances that would ultimately benefit you. When this insight dawned on me, I experienced a profound moment of clarity.

4. Your unnatural focus:

While the previous insight sparked a moment of clarity, this revelation is the one that truly illuminates my understanding.

This is likely the moment when the principles of the Law of Attraction begin to fall into place and resonate with you.

What occurs when a child’s internal rules are dominated by a fear of making mistakes?

Correct – he does indeed make mistakes!

The reason for this is that the child’s attention becomes fixated on the very things they’re attempting to disregard. It’s a fundamental principle that our thoughts have a profound impact on our experiences, regardless of whether you believe into the idea that like attracts like.

So, by concentrating on the negative aspects, you inadvertently amplify and attract more of the very things you fear or dislike.

I strongly trust in this approach, as I am utilizing the power of concentration to manifest the outcomes I desire. I employ affirmative language exclusively and steer clear of negative affirmations to maintain my focus on positivity.

You likely have personal experience that supports this.

Regrettably, this form of artificial fixation tends to occur instinctively when you’re oblivious to your emotional vulnerability. Lacking awareness of its presence, this subconscious pattern will persist until you actively work to uncover and address its underlying causes.

5. Your emotional prison:

When you form a habit of behaving automatically, you inadvertently restrict yourself. This limits your ability to fully express yourself, as you are constrained by a predetermined pattern of actions.

According to Henk, the eggshell mentality can confine us on multiple levels, limiting our inner freedom and stifling our ability to authentically communicate our thoughts and emotions. As a result, we become stuck, unable to manifest the reality we truly want.

I have experienced this feeling numerous times in the past. There have been significant moments where my emotional barriers kept me from being truthful and open, hindering me from fully enjoying the best possible experiences.

Do you also frequently experience a strong feeling of remorse?

I’m recognizing a pattern where my emotions can spiral out of control, but fortunately, I’ve been making a deliberate attempt to detach and observe my thoughts, catching myself when I fall into habitual reactions.

Gradually, I trust that you are also putting in work. There is one additional aspect to address before we reach a decision on how to handle our unpleasant situation with the eggshell.

6. Your projected personality:

The exterior you present to the world is a direct reflection of the inner you. The culmination of all the earlier formations of your self-identity ultimately gives rise to the outward persona you showcase to others.

What is meant by someone’s personality? You might be familiar with the idea that individuals put on masks or maintain a superficial appearance. This is because the personas they exhibit are artificial, influenced by their external traits.

I believe we each present a curated version of ourselves to the world. In reality, we adapt our personas to fit various social contexts, resulting in multiple masks we wear in different circumstances. However, beneath these superficial layers lies our authentic self, which Henk refers to as our “inner child” persona.

What makes a projected persona detrimental? Essentially, it stems from not aligning with your core values and principles. By putting on a façade, you may end up prioritizing shallow values in your life.

The greatest risk of having a projected personality is that it can cause you to lose touch with your true feelings. Your outward appearance may falsely suggest that everything is fine or that a situation is preferable, even if deep down you actually feel differently.

The longer you persist in this mindset, the more you’ll convince yourself that your limitations are a reality. And that is the egg’s ultimate goal: to deceive you into thinking that playing safe and staying within your comfort zone is the best option.

Taking the necessary steps to achieve freedom

The logical outcome of this realization is clear. Once you recognize the presence of this eggshell and its harmful impact on your life, the natural follow-up question is: what strategies can I employ to overcome it?

To successfully tackle an issue, you require a structured approach that enables you to methodically identify the underlying cause. Ideally, this approach should be straightforward and practical, allowing you to effortlessly implement it and concentrate on resolving the problem at hand, rather than expending effort on mastering the methodology itself.

To enhance your skills through this protocol:

  1. Recognize that you possess two distinct personas: your authentic, innocent self AND the fabricated image you present to the world.
  2. Acknowledge that this artificial persona is a product of an emotional prison, which restricts your ability to express yourself freely and hinders your overall growth.
  3. Understand that this emotional prison stems from an unhealthy obsession with negative emotions, causing you to focus on avoiding obstacles rather than finding a way out.
  4. To break free, adopt a constructive mindset that channels your mental energy towards positive outcomes. (your inner managing policy)
  5. Be aware that your inner strategy are influenced by deep-seated concerns or prime worriments.
  6. Identify the root causes of your limiting beliefs and problems, and empower yourself to overcome them, achieving freedom from distress.

This is the transformative journey that Henk Schram’s Crack Your Egg program offers. If you’re ready to confront and replace your limiting beliefs with liberating ones, read on my review of the program.